17 August 2012

Cycle Chic's Hot in a Helmet Campaign

(Shelly@RidingPretty photo -- CycleChic's Hot in a Helmet)

Caz of London Cycle Chic and CycleChic UK let me know of a fun, new campaign --

"Do you look Hot in a Helmet? Join the campaign by tweeting your pics to @cyclechic or email hotinahelmet@gmail.com"

It should come as no surprise that RidingPretty likes helmets -- so naturally when my friend Caz asked if I had any photos to contribute I said YES!

Contrary to some people's impression of what it means to be truly Cycle Chic or not -- I say look stylish in a helmet if that's what suits you. Please simply ignore anyone who says you are not in accordance with Cycle Chic® just because you added a piece of headwear (albeit a helmet) to your outfit ensemble. Who wants to be a follower of fashion rules or dictates anyway! Amen.

“Do you have any comments, anything you'd like to say about this post?" - @RidingPretty / blog post shortcut is: goo.gl/fALb3