16 March 2013

March Edition of 2013 Tweed Rides

The-Tweed-Ride-Report-March-2013-Edition-Victoria Pendleton--1890s-Style-Tweed-Oufit

Visit THE TWEED RIDE REPORT to see the individual invites, posters, all linking back to the ride organizers and the event itself. Find various ways to connect to the rides, find much more detail -- again you will be able to find links to the various rides by reading THE TWEED RIDE REPORT.

Please keep sending in your emails to me about your Tweed Rides! Thanks to the community, those wonderful
421 members of  The Tweed Ride (Report) Community on FB for letting me know about your rides! Please join us there if you haven’t already, because it’s a lot of fun and discussions happen there you won’t find here on the RidingPretty Blog or anywhere else for that matter.